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Survey and Basemapping • Conceptual Alternatives • Detailed Design • HDD •

Jack and Bore • Project Management • Utility Coordination • Permitting • Easement Acquisition • Construction Inspection

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The Path Forward

In order to continue service to their customers, Greene County needed to connect their Northwest Regional and Eastern Regional water systems as they would no longer purchase water from the City of Xenia beginning in June 2018. There were several risks on the project, including permitting applications for crossing the Little Miami River and multiple tributaries, easement needs, and weather issues. RA developed a Risk Register to analyze these risks and determine solutions that would not alter the tight schedule of the project. The Notice to Proceed was received in December 2016, RA completed the design and survey work in September 2017 and the water main was constructed and ready for service by May 2018.  To complete this project in such a tight timeline, RA worked with the County to divide the project up into five separate construction contracts.  This project included planning, field survey, engineering design, bidding support, construction administration, and project management services. 

RA used their Alignment Analysis tool to develop an alignment that would mitigate the risks associated with the project.  This allowed our design team to move forward with construction document production quickly to remain on schedule.

In total, this contract included roughly 40,000 feet of new 12”, 16”, 20” and 24” PVC pipe. Of that, nine trenchless crossings along the project route required 2,000 feet of 16” and 650 feet of new 20” water main, all were installed via HDD using HDPE, Fusible PVC and Ductile Iron Pipe.


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